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Rise of the Zealot tut


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This tutorial was made after the Rise of the Zealot sig so the end result will look different from it's first version.


This tutorial requires the following things:


-Two, desktop(or larger) sized photographs. the first preferably a landscape. the second can be anything, as long as the image itself is of a rough, and/or grainy surface. like a really rough rock face.

- A render you want used in the skin



Resources for this tut:






1st, start with a transparent, 450x150 new image. This will be our workspace, and eventully our signature.

Now, load the landscape and paste it over the sig. position it however you want.




Next, select the brush, set mode to color and opacity to 46 and color the image a gold/yellow color(html notation: ffba23)




Duplicate the layer, and select filters - Distort - Iwarp and warp it until it looks pretty, well, warped.




Set the warped layers mode to Difference.




Now to add what makes this a sig. Copy your render(unscaled), and, on a new layer, paste it twice. Make sure you move around the two pasted images so that different parts of the render are visible, and that very little or none of the background shows.




Now, scale the render to the size you want, and paste it onto the same layer. Move it to where you want.




Select smudge and choose the Vine brush.(GIMP default) Smudge around the image, avoiding the scaled render. You can smudge on the outside of the scaled render and maybe on the lower half if you want but don't smudge completely over it.




Set the layer mode to Addition, duplicate it, and set the duplicated layer mode to Hard Light




Create a new layer, paste the second photograph(not the landscape one, but the rough surface I previously described) and set the layer mode to Grain Merge(Though, if applying this tutorial to make other things, and you're working with a dark image, set it to Divide).




Select the Ellipse Select, and turn on Antialiasing and Feather Edges(radius to be either between 40 and 50). Now select around the render and cut out as needed. Adjust the layers opacity until it looks good.




That pretty much concludes the basis of this style. You can add whatever else you want to it from this point on. Maybe a border, some C4D's, whatever.




This was thrown together when I was really tired so if there are any problems with it, or something you don't understand, let me know.

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