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Help copying a cave

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I am having a problem making a copy of a cave world in SkyrimSE CK. Any attempt to copy causes CTD, and anyway the cell I want is in a mod that I don't want my mod dependent on. This wouldn't be a problem, except that the mod's creator made it an esm. I must stress that the mod I want to make is for my use only, and any time I try making a cave like this it comes out looking like garbage.

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There may be too much being copied at one time. CK64 seems to be a memory hog. There have been similar troubles with what used to be a handy method of copying bookcases, now in CK64 it crashes every time.


If you have Oldrim, you might try making the initial structural part of the mod in Old ck, then "port" it over.


If not, maybe try copying a few pieces at a time, see if that helps you avoid crashing. Focus on the main structural pieces, as you can do clutter easily by hand. You may run into trouble with the snap guides, though. If you do, you could copy over the pieces, leaving them loosely arranged. Double click on them and make sure you know the editor name of the pieces being used, then find them in game and (with the snap guides on) drag them in from the object window, someplace next to and a fair distance from the jumbled copy pieces. Assemble them with the snap guides to look like the copies should look, then delete the copies.

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Looking back, I forgot to mention that I have tried both xEdit and Wyer-Bash, and can't even get them to convert esp to esm let alone convert back. As for the one suggestion I've goten so far, that would work for the objects. But as I said, this is a cave world: it has land, and that cannot be copied that way. And trying to edit it to match is beyond my skills.

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Update: I tried deleting everything in the world except navmesh and landscsape and then copying the world, and CK still crashed. The only way I'm gonna get my map is if I can convert the esm to esp and clean everything I don't want. Can somebody please tell me how to do that? And remember, I've tried Wrye Bash and it seems to be only a mod loader with no options to change anything else. Of course, the title bar said "Wrye Smash", so maybe I got the wrong thing.


Failing that, can someone direct me to a resource of a beautiful forest cave with lake?

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Looking back, I forgot to mention that I have tried both xEdit and Wyer-Bash, and can't even get them to convert esp to esm let alone convert back. As for the one suggestion I've goten so far, that would work for the objects. But as I said, this is a cave world: it has land, and that cannot be copied that way. And trying to edit it to match is beyond my skills.


I'm actually here to do some research on creating my own worldspace by re-using parts of the Potema dungeon, and saw your question.


Could you just re-use the cave in the "Blessings of Nature" quest - Eldergleam sanctuary - and hack it up some (remove the tree and activators, for example)?

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No, the Eldergleam Sanctuary is also a world (EldergleamSanctuaryWorld), and that would lead me back to my original problem. Except that I doubt that you could convert that particular esm (Skyrim.esm) to an esp like you might be able to with a player made file.

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