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Request meshes+textures. Wand and brooms


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I am requesting someone make some meshes with the textures of the wands below, and turn the already ingame broom into a model that can be a mount where the person sits at the part with the wisks and stuff, or resize it so its not bliped or something.









The wands should act as a one-bladed weapons and be as small as a normal wand. my plan is to put them in the game in the blade slot, they will be swung and the reach of the weapon, which i can do myself, will far excede the length of the wand and do 0 dmg, but rather have the enchantment on them hit with increased power. The reach will excede length to act as tho its shootin the magic. anyways, a normal irondagger sound will be ok for the swinging noise, i dont think any sound is needed when hit tho.


Im makin a halloween mod, and i can do the rest, but i need these. If anyone can do these simple things (i need to learn to do this lol but i dont have time to learn before halloween with all my open projects.) then i will be very greatful, and you will be given full credit, as well as a suggestion on what can go in the mod. Anything you want, name it and ill see if i can do it.


you can email me at [email protected] or private message me, i check my mail 7 times daily. The wands dont need to look exactly like that, but those are mainly there for a guide on what they can look like. If possible with the one with the diamond, a emerald, ruby, or diamond will be good to use at the tip. Thanks



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