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Armor conversions and weight painting.


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I recently started a new hobby converting vanilla armor to UNP skinny body. I started off with the bandit fur armor body1f_0.

Moving the mesh around was the easy part. I spent weeks toiling over weighting the skirt. I don't know how many times I had to start over, it made me crazy.


But I finally got it. The skirt hangs and moves perfectly smooth, no clipping at all. It is a thing of beauty. Then I sat my character down in game. I use a sit animation that has the character cross her legs so the whole thigh clips through the skirt. Ideally, the skirt should rest overtop.


Now, I can convert and import that sit animation into Max and spend a few hours (or days) painting the weights to make it look natural. Or should I? I'm worried that I'll screw everything up.


My question is: Will painting weights for one animation screw up the work I did for previous animations?

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