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"5 bounty added to..." Bug, very annoying...


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So like around five other people in the whole world I've encountered a very annoying bug. Sadly I don't have any older savegames without this bug... so let me describe it to you:


Whenever I'm in a city or town, after a while I get 5 bounty added on my head. Even though I did not do anything. Sometimes it even happens while I'm sleeping, and sleep might then even be disrupted by a guard...

I even get 5 bounty added to the "Tribal Orcs", even though I'm not even close to them... by now I must have around 30-40 bounty with them, without even encountering them since I got the first bounty...


When I now pay the fine I get teleported to the guard's main castle, which is obvíously very annoying. And to top it all, when I then stay in the city X a while longer, I'll again get a bounty of 5 added for no apparent reaseon, and the guards harass me again.


I'm very annoyed by this. Any help would be appreciated, any mods that might alleviate the problem, etc...

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I'm not a werewolf and never was, and my follower is with me... I sometimes tell her (Lydia) to wait here and there (when I want to sneak somewhere), but I think I've never asked her to wait at my home (Breezehome, or any othe home)...


Why or how do you know that it'll stop at some point?

Edited by ulix
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