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Question about "incoming typed weapon damage" and "incoming typed spell magnitude"

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I'm trying to create a perk that would only affect incoming energy damage. (basically, everything that would be blocked by energy resistance). I've found the "incoming typed weapon damage", and as damage type, I put dtenergy, dtelectrical, dtfire, dtcryo.

Is it enough to include all energy damage ?

I'm wondering if it only affects energy damage from weapons, or it will affect energy damage from other source as well ?

Should I also mod "incoming typed spell magnitude" and add dtenergy, dtelectrical, dtfire, dtcryo as well ?

And finally, does explosives count as ballistic or energy damage ?


Thanks for your help.

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As you could see, originally, dtFire, dtCryo, dtElectrical are not used, only makes sense to handle, if want compatibility with a hypothetical mod, which introduces them into game. Everything is just dtEnergy.

DamageType may include a spell, so if want to modify its effect, use Incoming Typed Spell Mag/Dur, but detection relies on mgef keywords (EPMagic_SpellHasKeyword), not dt. Look at dtRadiationIngestion - only this one has spell, although not relevant to weapons. Here i don't know, if the spell is canceled automatically, when corresponding dt is nullified.


There is no ballistic damage as a class, i suppose (?). I checked for weapon keyword WeaponTypeBallistic etc. to determine the source, but maybe can be done differently ?

Explosion is also "weapon damage", if comes from a weapon, not sure how classified when PlaceAtMe, pure "explosion" perhaps - has own perk modifier.

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It does, used in game twice: CompCodsworthPerk and better look at MQ00TheSightPerk "Foreknowledge" [PERK:0018358D] - interesting now, i was sure that any Typed damage is covered by generic Incoming damage (like it does include Explosion damage), but for some reason they had to differentiate them in the perk. And i've used it successfully to nullify dtRadiationExposure for my custom actor.


Also for Typed Spell, have noticed finally, that entry point has actual DamageType tab, but have no idea, how to specify DamageType for a Spell or Mgef - there's no such field. Becomes interesting, possibly a spell does actually inherit Dt from weapon's Dt ? Existing perks use EPMagic_SpellHasKeyword in this entry point, and i used the same entry because they did, although for same result Mod Incoming Spell could be used, i guess.

Edited by hereami
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