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Player drops to ground on MoveTo (?)

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Hopefully, a simple question. I need player to drop down from arrival point, when teleported by MoveTo, so i placed an Xmarker at height 200 above floor, but still pc materializes ON the floor.

Then i recalled there was IsPerch flag somewhere (and smth related to dragons positioned in the air), seemed promising, but now i see it's only present on Furniture, which is not suitable, don't need to "sit" there.


Such a simple thing, but why it happens wrong and what must be done? "Used as platform" flag?

I'm suspecting, the issue is related to navmesh mechanics, don't know.




PS. Could be done like MoveTo a solid object, then disable/enable it, but it's the worst case.

Edited by hereami
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Objects can be spawned in the air +Z height and stay there until MoveToNearestNavmeshLocation() is called on them.


Actors will always automatically drop from Z height to spawn on the nearest navmesh, I would infer that MoveToNearestNavmeshLocation() is always active on them. This is how Brahmen and settlers (and all SKK dynamic non fixed marker spawning mods) end up on Sanctuary roofs, as there are bad navmesh dead zones all over sanctuary so the roofs offer the nearest attractive landing spots for the actors dropping in.

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Actors will always automatically drop from Z height to spawn on the nearest navmesh,

I suppose Actors unevitably means Player as well... Thanks, worst suspicions confirmed, don't have to waste time for finding a magic flag then : )


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