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[WiP] Unnamed Axe


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work in progress ...

big bad axe...

it need more details ... i know ... :closedeyes:


May want to reduce the polycount on that a bit. The handle certainly doesn't need to have that many segments, 9-12 should be more than enough. All those teeth should alco be as simple as possible, maybe have fewer teath, and have them wider.

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i agree with vagrant... always remove useless polies... for a plane you only need one for example... those at the handle can improve the looks but as vagrant said 8 to 12 are enough to make it appear round...

at the part where blade meets shaft (that holding metal part) is another example... you have 4 polies where only one would be enough...

and also 3k to 6k polies for one weapon are still smooth and dont slow down the game much, just imagine all modders would make high poly weapons and all npcs using em... it wouldnt be smooth gameplay nomore...

thus always try to reduce poly amount as much as possible - vanilla weaponns are around 600 polies... todays pcs should be able to handle a vast amount of 1k to 2k objects tho...


but be extra careful with the texture size later on... you might want to make extra high rez textures but be aware that a 2048x2048 dds is 5mb compared to 1.5mb at 1024x1024... better use two 1024er textures instead of one 2048er (a typical gfx card has 256 to 512 mb... well 1024 in half a year... and thus could only handle 100 high rez textures at once without loading from the ram)


looks good btw :)

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