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Become part of the Talmor


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Was searching for a mod of any kind today that allowed the players to become apart of the Thalmor faction. I didn't. Lots of Thalmor armor mods. Found plenty of people asking for the Thalmor to be expanded upon in coming DLC's too....


But... I don't JUST want to see an expansion on the Thalmor, I'm ready to BE apart of them! God I wish I was good at modding, I'm so tired of being "The Good Guy/The Chosen One/The Savior of Skyrim/Elder Scroll Jesus"!


My dream mod or DLC would be to have a legitimate villain quest. I want to be an insidious bastard who infiltrates all the guilds and tears them apart from the inside, who plays the Daedra for fools and betrays the "Heroes" of Skyrim. The one who reveals the Companions of consorting with daedra and dismantles their legacy. The one who silently kills the Dark Brotherhood, pushing the Night Mother's coffin into the bottom of a lake (along with Cicero). The ultimate thief who robbed Nocturnal of her key and condemned the Thieves Guild to obscurity and destitution. The one who helped Ancano retrieve the Eye of Magnus and spat in the face of the Psijic Order and their threats of judgement (And fight them as well). I want to be the assassin of jarls and the hero of the Altmer who extinguishes the last flame of the Blades. I want to be the agent who delves into Korvanjund and takes the Jagged Crown to be kept as an artifact by the Aldmeri Dominion before the dieing Empire or pathetic Stormcloaks can get their vain, incompetent hands on it!


If I'm going to play an Altmer, I want to play as a Thalmor agent working for the glory of the Aldmeri Dominion and their noble, righteous goals to dominate the hearts and minds of the vicious, barbaric species and their pathetic warring factions that plague and destroy the beauty of Tamriel and threaten the safety of Summerset Isle.


Who else feels this way? :tongue:


[Edit: yes I noticed I misspelled Thalmor in the title, wish I could change it :ermm: ]

Edited by Boboy
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Heck yes.


That's not just a mod or DLC, though, that's revamping the entire game. Every single major quest and faction. They didn't even do such a good job of integrating the ones they had, even when you're the hero on all of them. ^^; I want to see this, but I don;t think I ever will...

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Creating a Mod that lets you join the Thalmor, and in theory even end up leading the Thalmor is very possible, and a pretty cool idea. I would be tempted to look into it myself, although I can't promise anything, because I'm not the best or quickest at writing script.


My breakdown of the idea would be similar to the current guilds available, but I would break the guild route into sections:


--Become a Thalmor Informant - do mini quests that get information to the thalmor

--Become a Thalmor "Peace Keeper" - Get placed on assignment with the Thalmor

--Become a Thalmor operative - You become a Thalmor Assassin, and are given quests to kill several of the Jarls

--Become Head of the Thalmor - You kill the head of the thalmor in his sleep, and are placed in charge of the thalmor.


It'd be something like that, obviously with lots of quests filling it out. It's pretty simple to do something like that, so i might have a look into it, keep an eye out.

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Yeah having the thalmor a quest-line similar to that of the companions would be a good idea...

ORRR add the thalmor as a joinable faction that clashes with the imperials and the stormcloaks!



;) that's the idea



Heck yes.


That's not just a mod or DLC, though, that's revamping the entire game. Every single major quest and faction. They didn't even do such a good job of integrating the ones they had, even when you're the hero on all of them. ^^; I want to see this, but I don;t think I ever will...



If I was honest... I really am asking for a revamp lol. I've been thinking about this for a while and the different things I would do if I had the know-how. And you know, I actually want to look into CK's scripting to see if I can at least learn how to make minor addons to story and guild quests. I'm just intimidated by CK, though, because every time I do play with it something goes wrong. :unsure:


Creating a Mod that lets you join the Thalmor, and in theory even end up leading the Thalmor is very possible, and a pretty cool idea. I would be tempted to look into it myself, although I can't promise anything, because I'm not the best or quickest at writing script.


My breakdown of the idea would be similar to the current guilds available, but I would break the guild route into sections:


--Become a Thalmor Informant - do mini quests that get information to the thalmor

--Become a Thalmor "Peace Keeper" - Get placed on assignment with the Thalmor

--Become a Thalmor operative - You become a Thalmor Assassin, and are given quests to kill several of the Jarls

--Become Head of the Thalmor - You kill the head of the thalmor in his sleep, and are placed in charge of the thalmor.


It'd be something like that, obviously with lots of quests filling it out. It's pretty simple to do something like that, so i might have a look into it, keep an eye out.


Ahmigawd seeing your reply made my day :biggrin:


Sometime soon I would like to look into script writing myself. See how difficult it is to do something as simple as make an NPC with dialogue options. I really want to see something like this happen and would do it if I can with minimal game-breaking problems. Big goal would be to make being a villainous Thalmor have its own rewards like: receiving information compiled by Elenwen's own informants of every location of dragon shouts including aide to get to a few quest locked shouts, access to extremely useful armors and weapons, and of course Altmer companions (maybe even Elenwen herself).

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