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change to death sentence threshold not effective?


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I'm using a mod called Economy Adjuster by HotFusion (actually I'm using BTB's edit of version 1.1 of the mod but I can't find that one online anywhere now), specifically the "crime" module that increases the penalties for crimes. One of the changes the mod makes is to the death sentence threshold (iCrimeThreshold), setting it to 54,001.


I've edited this plugin and changed this GMST to 150,000 instead, but for some reason this change is not actually effective in-game. The effective threshold is still exactly 54,001, just as it was set in the unedited plugin, even though I've changed it (and my edited plugin is last in the load order, so it shouldn't be overridden by anything).


Does anyone have any idea why this is?


(There's another GMST called iCrimeThresholdMultiplier, but I have no idea what it does, and EcoAdj Crime doesn't modify it.)

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Okay, never mind actually, I figured it out. There's also a condition in the dialogue entry for the death sentence greeting that had to be changed. It seems this condition is the main factor here.


Maybe the iCrimeThreshold GMST serves as a backup value, combined with iCrimeThresholdMultiplier, to create some kind of absolute limit where the guards will attack on sight without even initiating dialogue first? Not sure. The threshold in vanilla Morrowind is 5000 (that's what the dialogue condition is set to), but iCrimeThreshold is set to 1000 in vanilla, and you don't get a death sentence at 1000 bounty. iCrimeThresholdMultiplier is set to 10.

Edited by Necrolesian
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