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Mod that makes npcs use less or no bashes?


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It gets quite annyoing to get interrupted in almost every attack i throw. Im using some bigger combat mods like Ultimate Combat, Wildcat and Combat evolved, but im not sure which one makes my npcs literally spam bashes. Is there a mod that could do what the title says?

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There is no MOD atm to disable NPCs Bashing

With this you can find mod that edit your CombatAI:



you can delete / change it or move to top ( then his changes got overwrite by mods below load order )



Or you can just create new mod that disable NPCs Bash


1. Download CK

2. Load Skyrim.esp

3. In EVERY SINGLE Combat Class change Bash chance to 0

// there is around 100 / 200 Combat Classes probably xD lol

4. Save your mod ( give it name ( just CTRL + S ) )

5. done


remember to have your new mod loaded last in load order to overwrite other mods Combat Classes

Edited by TobiaszPL
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