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FO4 becomes temporarily like 30hz Refreshrate


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I got my Monitor set to 75hz, my System is also powerful enough to run Fallout 4 easily above 75fps (7700k, 1070gtx, 16gb ram).

But for quite some time now, every 2~5 minutes the Game suddenly becomes as if my Monitor was running at 30hz, this is gone after i press Escape or go to the Desktop for a sec.


I also already tried without Mods and a complete fresh Installation of Fallout 4, but unfortunately always the same.


I absolutely do not know what is causing this.


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That doesnt sound like a Problem caused by Fallout 4, the only game-related thing you could do is to delete your .ini files or play arround with your graphic settings (set them higher/lower, than try again). If that doesnt work maybe try updating your driver or look if software is running in the background. And btw do you use a free sync monitor or something in those lines? It could also be that you have to many frames per second but again: doesnt sound like something game-related

Edited by LordMinio
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