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Wastland groups you wanted to join?


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One of the tings I found disappointing in FO3 was that you couldn't become a full member of most of the towns and organizations. Sure you could get a house in Meg or the Tower but you still seemed to be an outsider. But you couldn't become a Slaver or join Talon Company or take over the Republic of Dave. You could fight with the BoS but not become a member. And the Enclave was permanently hostile even after injecting the FEV into the water or blowing the Citadel.
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All of the groups and communities have their own priorities. IMO, it is CERTAIN that anyone becoming a fully-fledged member/resident would be expected to take on those things over and above any personal considerations. No matter how awesome the person might be otherwise.


Join Talon Company, you do Talon Company work - when they want and where they want. Join the Slavers, you better do what Eulogy Jones says or something nasty will probably happen. Join The Family, and you better memorize those Five Laws dang fast. You work really hard in your chosen path, and you might eventually get to a point where you start giving some of the orders, but the organization will still require a certain amount of your loyalty and attention. Slack off or start going rogue and, in all likelihood, the organization will quickly replace you in an especially unfriendly and probably messy way.


Just like real life, when you think about it. ;)


The Lone Wanderer has a number of things to do that are not necesarily 100% compatible with any single group. He or she is a free agent, who can build up or change relationships with these groups as seems appropriate. "Join" any single group and you will have to do what they want - whether this is long long bouts of guard duty at the gate when you really want to go blow up supermutants downtown, or whatever.

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