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Dragons spawning at half health


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Alright, well this is pretty frustrating. I downloaded a bunch of mods last night and everything seemed to be going good. However, this morning when I went to fight a dragon, I saw it had spawned at half-health. Same with all the other dragons in the game, and anything that was spawned or summoned by dragons through Deadly Dragons (skeletons, etc). So I methodically went through all the mods I had installed to see if one of them was the culprit. No deal. I uninstalled Deadly Dragons, still no deal. Finally, I disabled all my mods. Dragons are still spawning at half-health. Has anyone encountered anything like this before?


I'm a little perplexed.


Note: Also, Deadly Dragons config menu is not effective at changing the dragons' stats anymore. Even if I set it to vanilla, they still have the same amount of health as if I set it to hard or hardcore.

Edited by zombiecurse
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I have been having this issue since all versions of DD.


Tho, you should note that the DD config does work, but you need to wait to reset the spawn cells for the changes to take effect. I have a mod to reduce that to 3 days, so I know the config works.


But the dragons still spawn with vanilla health but DD max health.

Any script or console spawned dragon doesn't have this issue, so it's an issue with how DD assigns the new stats.

Edited by 92DemonKing
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I have been having this issue since all versions of DD.


Tho, you should note that the DD config does work, but you need to wait to reset the spawn cells for the changes to take effect. I have a mod to reduce that to 3 days, so I know the config works.


But the dragons still spawn with vanilla health but DD max health.

Any script or console spawned dragon doesn't have this issue, so it's an issue with how DD assigns the new stats.


Well, it seems like it was just a few that spawned at the dragon spawn points (Mount Anthor, etc.). It definitely isn't all of them, so I guess I'm not going to worry about it too much. Thanks for the reply though.

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