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Need suggestions for mods to try out!


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I recently concluded the Dawnguard expansion and started to think about Oblivion again. I want to start another playthrough fresh heavily modded. I was wondering if an experienced Oblivion player who tries out many mods could tell me the top mods I should get! These can include but are not limited to graphics mods, combat mods, new content mods such as quests, armor mods, and weapon mods. I am not against trying everything, so even if there's a small mod out there that isn't too popular but you've found to be extremely useful or that you love, please tell me about it!
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Alternative Beginnings - A variety of ways to start the game without being locked into the main quest. [Dead adventurer in Fort Ash has the amulet]



Daedric Shrine Ruins with the above if you want to enter Cyrodiil from the 'Shipwreck' [you get a Bouyant Armiger companion near one of the ruins]



Muffinshare is useful for restocking companions or 'robbing' npcs an dremora. [use with above]



Set Essential Actors to keep perishables alive. [like the above]



Frenzy Spell causes npcs to go crazy [useful to start riots].



You can also keep a riot going. CS/Enchantment/EnArrArrowoffrenzyarea on guard's silver arrows.

frenzy spell

Area: 15

Duration: 150

Magnitude: 150


Risk of Bandits in Cities [use with above] TES4edit if you want to fix the IC names



Smarter Bandits




Tamriel Travellers [share the same spawn points with the above. See what happens with exploding merchants]




Immersive Travelers [Hircine & bandit food]



Curse of Hircine - Resurrected. You can walk up to them if maximize/fortify Personality [stand and watch, front row seat to the action. Applies also to bandits and creatures]



Curse of Hircine - Werewolf Hunters [fights bandits]



Yuda The Elder Trainer - You can change the price in CS/Character/Quest/ELysETQ/Quest Stages/4/Result Script



Waterfront Dragonfly House - Spell/Enchantment stations [walk to the house, fast travel directly to it = CTD]



If you are sick of fighting wildlife

Docile Animals and Docile Creatures for Shivering Isles



Edited by RazaCovek
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Some of my favorites are in the below copy/paste




If you want the most help possible it helps to give as much information, and uniqueness as possible.


Here's my generic written thing for these topics. if you want something specific give more details. I ask some questions in the below text as a small guide line. You can answer them if you wish:




Lists and resources for finding many popular mods, and some good mods:

(note the distinction between the two, don't just follow mindless peer pressure, try and make your own opinions and find what you'll like)


List of lists:


Top 100


Files of the months:


Hall of fame:


Categories, Tag search, advanced search


General help in terms of installing, utilities, workshops, etc.:



Oblivion mod wiki

TES Alliance (Check The Enclave forum, the Oblivion forum, or the Voice actor forum depending on your pursuits)

Bethsoft forums-Oblivion: (Hardware/software for non mod related issues, Mods for mod users, Construction set for making mods.)



List of topics exactly like yours generic pleadings for "Any mods?" that have already been answered:


Read the AZERessential topics to get the basic "get wryebash, OBMM, OBSE, start slow" basic advice for starters recommendations


If you want any further help I suggest you tell us about yourself; what you like and what you're looking for... Here's some questions to get you started:


Have you played Oblivion already?

What sort of things interest you?

What type of Character do you usually play? (good/evil, theif/mage, roleplayer/random-no-story-hack-and-slasher?)

Are there specific types of mods you think would interest you? (Quests, graphic mods, gameplay mods, overhauls, etc.)

When did you leave?

What did you not like about Oblivion? What did Oblivion not have or need more of?

Male or female character?



For the occasional "What are your must haves?"

Mostly quest mods: http://kno.li/i


My favorite quests are:

Integration (my most favorite)

Malevolent, Runied tail, Tears of the fiend


The Blackwood company

Dremora Companion

Servant of the Dawn

Imperial Legion Faction



Gameplay mods:


Hear No Evil


Crime Has Witnesses

Audacious Magery

Conduit magic

Custom spell Icons

Training cattle


Refscope(good for troubleshooting)

Vows and Covenants

Pluke's roleplaying persuasion

LAME (Needed for Integration. no longer needed)

RBP (Needed for Integration. No longer needed )


I'm mostly a quest mod player and I recently posted a big rundown for most of them that I've played here and here.


(Some of these are probably outdated by now)

S'lider's Copy/paste


Pseron Wyrd's top 10 (Don't really want a lot top 10's or simple lists but I'm desperate for cop/pastes at the moment)

Tommy H's


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But lets better begin your modding in the beginning.

There a some tools you need for good modding:


Links to suggested tools

OBSE: http://obse.silverlock.org/

OBMM: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2097

BOSS: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20516

Wrye Bash: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22368

additional fine is

OBGE: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=30054


For a better control panel: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10763

and better map markers: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=26389


now first my suggest for a new body


As a Body mod I would prefer a HGEC body nude (female), (male) because tons of clothing are based on this mod.


a good sekeleton for most of the clothing mods is http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27945


and a nice skin texture http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20022


or http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=19021

perhaps with this http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22870


get a new hairstyles


races find yourself, if you like. My favourite Elves of Lineage IIcause there are some fine modifications you find if you search them on tesnexus.


If you are interested in Manga like japanese Stuff you can take MBP for better looking People. You need: http://depositfiles.com/files/10ixawqsm


then you probably need a animation replacer http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35551


and now You have a fine person walking through Oblivion.


for better athmosphere I suggest


If you don't like leveling system try oblivion war cry,( english translation) and only the boss monsters will level up. :thumbsup:

and a more realistic leveling system


Better sound http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=39804

Basic Primary Needs http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=37088

bathing mod http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=17190

trade and commerce http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=39255

creature diversivity http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=26634

Economy adjustment: Enhanced Economy


No more psychic guards: Reneers Guard Overhaul


Unique Landscapes are great and nearly a musthave



there are more clothing mods than I can tell

my personal choice


in clothing is roadstrokers work http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/42258

slofs mens wear http://www.slofslair.co.uk/index.php?page=modarticle&modarticle/id=6024hiatkkd

female clothing Rhyks work http://www.zodiac.o0o0.jp/rayk/ryk_mod_etc.html


all not to sexy like some things here,


for weapons


gizmodians work http://www.tesnexus.com/modules/members/index.php?id=341209

nicos work http://www.tesnexus.com/modules/members/index.php?id=64989



for better looking Horses http://www.slofslair.co.uk/index.php?page=modarticle&modarticle/id=5p5k6md28n8


my most liked housemod or have a look to Real estate

companionmods: Summon Vampire,Vilja, , Saerilet

, blade song


You personalize your game by taking your favourite mods. No other one plays the same game.


Oblivion is in my opinion the most and best modded game in the world.


Best quests you find in hot 100


One little hint at last. Do not put in all mods at once. Go step by step and test,test,test.


Don't forget ;)

have fun



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