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Using the CK's Version Control


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I needed to merge multiple plugins into one so I googled around and the only 2 practical ways I saw to do it were using TESVSnip, which ruins mods now due to semi-recent Skyrim updates, and enabling the CK's 'Version Control' that Bethesda's developers used to collaboratively edit esm's. I turned it on and set up all the necessary network paths and etc. but whenever I try to merge a change into my esm the CK just says it's missing the .fud files for the given esm. So it's basically useless right now and I'm still stuck not being able to smash plugins together.


Does anyone have experience using the CK's Version Control or know a different way to put plugins together into one in an efficient manner? (Creating duplicates of everything with the new plugin active would be an example of inefficiency)

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If you generated the .fud files per the wiki instructions and it still complains, it's most likely a sharing / permission issue. You need to edit the shares to give read, write and execute permission to either your account or "everyone". If you enter Start->Run: \\, you should see the share folders. If you can't create new files in those shares, neither can the CK.



It can also be a UAC thing if the game is installed in "Program Files".

Edited by Ez0n3
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