carbondivergent Posted July 20, 2019 Share Posted July 20, 2019 I have installed the memory patch , followed gamer poets guide , followed sinitaurgaming guide for modding, the game keeps crashing on fast travel, and when ever i open a map..... also if i go to whiterun or riverwood crash!!! my rig is rx580 8gb cardryzen 5 1600 6 core processor8gb vram2 4gb ram sticks in dual channel(i run new 2019 games at ultra settings no problem so i cant be my pc ... all parts new) Load order is as follows ( side note... i have seen people on youtube with 600 plus mods running stable no way its too many mods although i did uninstall a few just to see. cleaned with tesvedit and i use loot ) . 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 Dawnguard.esm 3 3 HearthFires.esm 4 4 Dragonborn.esm 5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp 6 6 RaceCompatibility.esm 7 7 OSA.esm 8 8 hdtHighHeel.esm 9 9 AOM.esm 10 a Evil Lair of Hydra.esm 11 b BBLuxurySuite.esm 12 c SexLab.esm 13 d SexLabAroused.esm 14 e RSkyrimChildren.esm 15 f CompanionArissa.esm 16 10 ApachiiHair.esm 17 11 SkyUI.esp 18 12 Purewaters.esp 19 13 CharacterMakingExtender.esp 20 14 SGEyebrows.esp 21 15 Footprints.esp 22 16 WondersofWeather.esp 23 17 dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp 24 18 dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp 25 19 dD-Larger Splatter Size.esp 26 1a iHUD.esp 27 1b RaceMenu.esp 28 1c RaceMenuPlugin.esp 29 1d EnhancedLightsandFX.esp 30 1e ELFX - Exteriors.esp 31 1f FlowerFields.esp 32 20 3DNPC.esp 33 21 Verdant - A Skyrim Grass Plugin.esp 34 22 PWwaterfall.esp 35 23 RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp 36 24 NewmillerPiercingsUNPB.esp 37 25 DeadlySpellImpacts.esp 38 26 DeadlySpellImpacts - Two Fire.esp 39 27 Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp 40 28 GirlHeavyArmor.esp 41 29 yurica_kimono.esp 42 2a NightshadeSuit.esp 43 2b Sotteta Necromancer Outfit.esp 44 2c LindsWoodlandAlchemist.esp 45 2d LindsSpellslinger.esp 46 2e LindsMarksmageGarb.esp 47 2f FNIS.esp 48 30 FNIS_PCEA2.esp 49 31 Book Covers Skyrim.esp 50 32 Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp 51 33 ELFX - NoPlayerHomes.esp 52 34 Skyrim Romance Animated.esp 53 35 iWill_ARavensBreezeHome.esp 54 36 Radiant and Unique Potions and Poisons v2.0.esp 55 37 ArgonianTints.esp 56 38 Ambriel.esp 57 39 Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp 58 3a ELFX - Weathers.esp 59 3b Vivid Weathers.esp 60 3c IcePenguinWorldMap.esp 61 3d MrissiTailOfTroubles.esp 62 3e EnhancedCharacterEdit.esp 63 3f Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp 64 40 AuroraFollower.esp 65 41 Immersive Weapons.esp 66 42 Dorn Heven.esp 67 43 ZIA_Complete Pack.esp 68 44 Morskom.esp 69 45 marriagemod - alpha v3.esp 70 46 TKAA.esp 71 47 Tembtra Thief Armor.esp 72 48 RSChildren.esp 73 49 Immersive Encounters.esp 74 4a zMirai.esp 75 4b UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp 76 4c Immersive Horses.esp 77 4d Convenient Horses.esp 78 4e The Ordinary Women.esp 79 4f Bijin NPCs.esp 80 50 Bijin Warmaidens.esp 81 51 Bijin Wives.esp 82 52 AOM.esp 83 53 flaho_shi_eagles_nest_ENG.esp 84 54 SofiaFollower.esp 85 55 HoamaiiClearskyHideout.esp 86 56 KNM_Mour.esp 87 57 Recorder Follower Base.esp 88 58 Nakahara.esp 89 59 RavenCastle.esp 90 5a KNM_AcalyphaFollower.esp 91 5b Hanali.esp 92 5c Minerva.esp 93 5d WMFSEliFollower.esp 94 5e BarbarianExplorer.esp 95 5f Gwelda Armor Pack.esp 96 60 Merta Assassin Armor.esp 97 61 Apex Werewolf.esp 98 62 TERAArmors_CBBE.esp 99 63 Kate.esp100 64 Sweet&Sexy Lingerie.esp101 65 SexyBikinis.esp102 66 Public Executions.esp103 67 BABAJACK.esp104 68 Immersive Encounters - RS Children Patch.esp105 69 Sabrina.esp106 6a HelFollower.esp107 6b Numerous nords.esp108 6c SKY_Lumen-Cael.esp109 6d Venice.esp110 6e Moniko.esp111 6f Aeril.esp112 70 Akena.esp113 71 Diala.esp114 72 vMYC_MeetYourCharacters.esp115 73 Lamae.esp116 74 Sotteta Huntress Armor.esp117 75 Aliya Follower CBBE MERGED.esp118 76 Andromeda.esp119 77 DajiaNingheimFollower.esp120 78 LiviaFollower.esp121 79 Finnia.esp122 7a Claire Version 1.2.esp123 7b My Home Is Your Home.esp124 7c Raven Witch Armor.esp125 7d BBLuxurySuiteENM.esp126 7e Contractor Armor.esp127 7f Emfy Cleric Robes.esp128 80 ValkyrieSwordShield.esp129 81 Jinxxed Followers - Ashani.esp130 82 P3ACH_Astrid.esp131 83 CaesiaFollower.esp132 84 SororityGirlsOfSkyrimByAsherz.esp133 85 High Elf QUEENS Follower.esp134 86 ElvenSisters.esp135 87 FollowerViolet.esp136 88 Mavari Armor.esp137 89 ErynielElfV2.esp138 8a TheEyesOfBeauty.esp139 8b BTRH_Izo.esp140 8c BTRH_Tomoe.esp141 8d SKY_Aura.esp142 8e Kumiho.esp143 8f Leiyane Follower.esp144 90 Lilium_Companion.esp145 91 Luna.esp146 92 MidnightBreed.esp147 93 Poet.esp148 94 SahraPirateFollower.esp149 95 Serana.esp150 96 SKY_Solis.esp151 97 SKY_Iridis.esp152 98 [Dint999] KSH's HDT.esp153 99 Tanya.esp154 9a The BloodRavens.esp155 9b Shalahad The Reaper.esp156 9c Toccata.esp157 9d BlackRose.esp158 9e Jinxxed Followers - Wayoko the Summoner.esp159 9f FNISspells.esp160 a0 SOSRaceMenu.esp161 a1 XPMSE.esp162 a2 Vivid Weathers - Extended Rain.esp163 a3 Vivid Weathers - Extended Snow.esp164 a4 mintylightningmod.esp165 a5 Vivid Weathers - Minty Lightning patch.esp166 a6 Chesko_WearableLantern.esp167 a7 UFO - Heartfire AddOn.esp168 a8 UFO - Dragonborn AddOn.esp169 a9 UFO - Dawnguard AddOn.esp170 aa Immersive Horses - Hearthfire Patch.esp171 ab Anabel.esp172 ac LookCloser.esp173 ad Breast Size Scaling for NPCs.esp174 ae Ocean's Allure.esp175 af Northgirl.esp176 b0 SpellTomeResurrectDead.esp177 b1 KS Hairdos - HDT.esp178 b2 Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp179 b3 RealisticWaterTwo.esp180 b4 RealisticWaterTwo - Legendary.esp181 b5 Watercolor_for_ENB_RWT.esp182 b6 Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp183 b7 RDO - UFO v1.2i Patch.esp184 b8 RDO - USLEEP Patch.esp185 b9 RDO - Immersive Horses Patch.esp186 ba Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp187 bb ELFXEnhancer.esp188 bc Immersive Citizens - ELFXEnhancer patch.esp papyrus told me this .....Loading Version: 32Init...-doneRegistering functions...-doneJSON Loading: Data/SKSE/Plugins/StorageUtilData/../WearableLanternsData/startup_test_file.jsonJSON Saving: ../WearableLanternsData/startup_test_file.jsonJSON Loading: Data/SKSE/Plugins/StorageUtilData/../WearableLanternsData/startup_test_file.jsonJSON Loading: Data/SKSE/Plugins/StorageUtilData/../WearableLanternsData/common.jsonJSON Saving: ../WearableLanternsData/common.jsonJSON Loading: Data/SKSE/Plugins/StorageUtilData/../WearableLanternsData/Profile1.jsondir: Data/meshes/0SA/mod/__install/mod/ ext: .osmoddir: Data/meshes/0SA/mod/__install/plugin/ ext: .osplugStorage Saving...Saving mod list... MODS Saved - empty! INTV Saved - empty! FLOV Saved - empty! STRV Saved - empty! FORV Saved - empty! INTL Saved - empty! FLOL Saved - empty! STRL Saved - objects: 1 FORL Saved - empty! PKGO SavedJSON Files: 3 Saving: ../WearableLanternsData/startup_test_file.jsonJSON Saving: ../WearableLanternsData/startup_test_file.jsonJSON SaveFiles - Done External JSON SavedSave Done! why is my game crashing ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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