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The Truth about alcoholics


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Apparently people in the comments said this is funny? :confused:


I don't know, maybe it's just not my sense of humor. I smiled once or twice, but otherwise I think he's forcing it too much and the random swearing isn't helping either.

I know, I'm no fun ._.

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What do you expect, it's atleast 8 years old material... And Robin Williams, so it isn't exactly relevant to that crowd under 30.


It's like Carlin... It's classic comedy, but younger people just don't get that connection unless they watched Shining Times Station (later reduced to Thomas the Tank-engine when the live action stuff was cut) as a kid and realize who played the conductor in the early seasons.

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It's like Carlin... It's classic comedy, but younger people just don't get that connection unless they watched Shining Times Station (later reduced to Thomas the Tank-engine when the live action stuff was cut) as a kid and realize who played the conductor in the early seasons.



Wasn't that Ringo Star that played the conductor?

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It's like Carlin... It's classic comedy, but younger people just don't get that connection unless they watched Shining Times Station (later reduced to Thomas the Tank-engine when the live action stuff was cut) as a kid and realize who played the conductor in the early seasons.



Wasn't that Ringo Star that played the conductor?

Interestingly enough.. Both.



Makes you wonder which casting director sold their soul.

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Being an Alcoholic is no fun, no i'm not one, i dont drink and haven't for many years, but i lost a close friend to drink and had to watch him waste away before my eyes till he was nothing more than a skeleton, then he got pnumonia and his body was too weak to fight it and it killed him.......and no you cant help them, they have to help themselves or end up like my friend.
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