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Construction set crash when trying to edit ai


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I have tried using the Construction Set Extender and exactly the same thing happens I have tried saving the .esp file before doing it and I still don't get anything. When opening the dialogue window I get a similar thing where the screen goes grey and does not respond but if I wait for a few seconds it resumes. With AI as soon as I click on an AI package the whole screen goes grey and after a few seconds I get a popup window giving me only one option- to close the construction set.

Could this be caused by the construction requiring more power to edit AI packages and would using the 4gb patch on the CS rectify this? Or is my problem caused by something else in my computer which is Windows 7 64bit, also I have uninstalled and reinstalled Oblivion on it numerous times (at least 3) but as far as I can remember I have always had this problem, also I don't know if this helps/matters but when I use the CSE not all of the features run correctly e.g. the find box in the cell and object windows, the GUI looks the same and when I try to open the scripts window nothing happens.

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