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Request help: Adding images into books in Oblivion


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I gots a few mods which need this, and one quicky mod which is based soley on this. What do i type to add images into the oblivion books, and do they have to be a certain type of image file, do i put this im the textures folder and if it is a certain image type what do i use to convert the image to that type of file?
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Has to look like this

 <IMG src="Book/MS12AkaviriDiary02.dds" width=490 height=650>

Convert your pictures into a dds file with DXT1 compression and no mipmaps.


Unless of course you want your picture partialy transparent. In which case (talkin photoshop now) you have to open up your picture, click the chanels tab add another chanel and just select the default name, photoshop should name it Alpha1 automaticaly. Black means transparent, shades of gray are partialy transparent and white is fully visible. Once again if you're done save it as a dds file but with a DXT3 or DXT5 (depends on the level of detail in the alpha map) compression with no mipmaps.


In case you're using a simple black and white illustration you can simply copy your whole picture, paste it into the alpha chanel and invert the colours. I usualy paste the picture into a quick mask and save the selection as a new chanel - it does the very same thing in a fewer steps but that might be too confusing for others, so I'm mentioning it you know.. just in case.


And yes, I love photoshop. It has more tricks up it's sleeve than you can shake a stick at.

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DDS format images can also be worked with using Paint.NET (which is a freeware program), and that's given me good results so-far.


As far as getting the image into the books, I highly recommend referencing this page -




Specifically note the text at the bottom of that page:


"NB: The problem with <IMG> tags can be avoided. <IMG> tags will disrupt additional coding in a book, even other <IMG> tags. It seems some form of text, or a space after additional coding placed after an <IMG> tag helps stop the disruption. Use books made by Bethesda (such as "The Firmament") as an example of how it is done. "

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  • 3 years later...

Has to look like this

 <IMG src="Book/MS12AkaviriDiary02.dds" width=490 height=650>

Convert your pictures into a dds file with DXT1 compression and no mipmaps.


I hate to necro a rather aged thread, but I felt the need to post this to clarify these posts (if someone ever needs them as reference). I HIGHLY suggest that when you are making the textures (.dds) files from pictures, DO NOT compress the file! I tried the above instructions and my pictures were completely distorted. What worked for me was to do no compression at all and save it with the default format. .DDS files saved in this way will appear correctly in game. Also, these links are great ref's if you are confused at all!




Again sorry for bringing back an old thread, but at least it is for a good cause!

Edited by kingtitan
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