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CK is so bugged its stupid


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Why oh why can I make a quest work perfectly, then after testing it it never works again. I make another quest identical to my other quests and dialouge simply won't begin. I make a clean save, mod free, load the clean save remake the quest and again dialogue doesn't begin. I make a pillar puzzle that I solve 3, 4 or 5 times perfectly, try again it doesn't work. I'm sick of making clean saves, reloading old saves, No wonder people give up on this bugged to hell tool.
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Why oh why can I make a quest work perfectly, then after testing it it never works again. I make another quest identical to my other quests and dialouge simply won't begin. I make a clean save, mod free, load the clean save remake the quest and again dialogue doesn't begin. I make a pillar puzzle that I solve 3, 4 or 5 times perfectly, try again it doesn't work. I'm sick of making clean saves, reloading old saves, No wonder people give up on this bugged to hell tool.



Have you emailed Bethesda customer support and explained the problem? They've been tremendously helpful in the past and if there is a bug in the CK, it's worth reporting it to them. Couldn't hurt to try.

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Biggest problem with CK is there is zero support.


Edit- Just to top it off all the quests I've made in the last 2 - 3 days won't start. Quests made weeks ago in a different world stiil work but new quests in a new world simply don't. Have changed actor, remade actor, changed voice several times, deleted old voice files, deleted quest, remade quest, re-recorded all dialouge, spent 9 hours just today doing all this. this really, really sucks.

Edited by antstubell
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You're not the only one cursing Skyrim due to its thousand flaws. There was a group who wanted to make a joinable paladin order and they were driven crazy by all the errors that came up when they tried to add their own quests. Looks like that Creation Kit is a single mess, especially when you try to add self-made quests. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. It also depends on the players. Some players have a flawless game, others are haunted by bugs. No wonder the company is often called Bugthesda.
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You're not the only one cursing Skyrim due to its thousand flaws. There was a group who wanted to make a joinable paladin order and they were driven crazy by all the errors that came up when they tried to add their own quests. Looks like that Creation Kit is a single mess, especially when you try to add self-made quests. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. It also depends on the players. Some players have a flawless game, others are haunted by bugs. No wonder the company is often called Bugthesda.

If only there was some logic behind it. I always make quests the same way, I don't know any other. I've spent 1 month building the worlds for these quests, bothering people here for scripts and something as straight forward as making a quest which I've done 30+ times before simply for no reason won't begin. A puzzle that worked yesterday won't today. I've validated the files for CK and Skyrim, made mod=free saves and loaded from them, ALL could be forgiven if Bethesda offered ANY help AT ALL to the users. They've simply made a tool with no instructions, even the WIki doesn't expalin is just says "this does this", how, when, where can I use it? I feel utterly let down.

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You're not the only one cursing Skyrim due to its thousand flaws. There was a group who wanted to make a joinable paladin order and they were driven crazy by all the errors that came up when they tried to add their own quests. Looks like that Creation Kit is a single mess, especially when you try to add self-made quests. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. It also depends on the players. Some players have a flawless game, others are haunted by bugs. No wonder the company is often called Bugthesda.

If only there was some logic behind it. I always make quests the same way, I don't know any other. I've spent 1 month building the worlds for these quests, bothering people here for scripts and something as straight forward as making a quest which I've done 30+ times before simply for no reason won't begin. A puzzle that worked yesterday won't today. I've validated the files for CK and Skyrim, made mod=free saves and loaded from them, ALL could be forgiven if Bethesda offered ANY help AT ALL to the users. They've simply made a tool with no instructions, even the WIki doesn't expalin is just says "this does this", how, when, where can I use it? I feel utterly let down.


I made a workaround as dialouge simply does not initiate. Where every NPC is, is a illuminated note (I made players aware that dialouge is screwed when they enter the cell with a Debug Message). On reading the note the player is told what the NPC should have said "go to.., get me.., look for...etc". Using an OnRead Setstage script I can progress the quest until the end when an activator must be activated to end the quest, something well hideen and canonly be found after reading one of the notes. So a workaround for a ridiculous problem.

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This is the dialogue bug plaguing custom content since patch 1.7 most likely. Have you tried save/reload in the location where your dialogue npc is?

Useful info but it doesn't work for me. I guessed something was going wrong about a week ago when I went to begin a quest from a clean save or not the NPC wouldn't talk. I quciksaved on the spot and then quickloaded immedietly and it worked but not any more, well at least not with my newest quests. Weird thing is i can go back to older quests, more than a week or two, add dialouge and it works. These older quests are in another world space whereas my newer quests are in my newest worldspace and regardless of the actor, voice, remaking of the quests they just won't begin by dialouge, any other method like scripting objects as I mentioned works. I was sure it was related to my new worldspace in some ridiculous manner but now I see I'm not the only one suffering this. Thanks its nice to know I'm not tearing my hair out alone.

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Skyrim is so unreliable for making quests that I don't think I will do it anymore. I made lots of quests for Oblivion, so it is not just that I have absolutely no clue what I am doing. It really burns me that the stuff I properly enter into the computer does not always work. A program should always yield the same results from the same input. With Oblivion, you could be quite confident that if you built a quest that worked on your machine, it would work whenever you played it, and it would work the same on everyone else's machines too.
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Skyrim is so unreliable for making quests that I don't think I will do it anymore. I made lots of quests for Oblivion, so it is not just that I have absolutely no clue what I am doing. It really burns me that the stuff I properly enter into the computer does not always work. A program should always yield the same results from the same input. With Oblivion, you could be quite confident that if you built a quest that worked on your machine, it would work whenever you played it, and it would work the same on everyone else's machines too.


Agreed. let's hope it gets fixed soon. Until then I won't make any dialouge triggered quests.

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