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Jedi robs for both genders


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Hello once again,

I've found out that there is only a single mod that adds jedi robes to skyrim, but it works ONLY for male characters, what a shame.. :D

Could someone make a mod with similar robes, but a female (or both genders) version?? Probably asking the author of the original mod for textures and no-shoulderpads meshes is possible)) (these are just psiijic robes... But they look pretty nice!)

link: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11385


I know that all this star wars content is not lore-friendly, but it depends on people's tastes.. for me (and i bet not only for me) such items are desirable, as almost all the star wars features can be acheived on the skyirm base!


And, if it's even possible, the robes (the brown part on the top of all this... idk how to say it more correctly :D) should be made separatelly, so u could take it on the character with almost any other armor))

Edited by phildevill
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If u came here to argue on the lore-friendly equipment - u've mistaken a thread. 1. i dont play a thief. 2. i dont like siths and play jedi everythere (except the cases when i want to see the optional game ending) *on the jedi\sith ideological war* 3. I didn't understand i thing from your first sentence.
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