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FUS RO DAH!(Relentless force)


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it wouldn't be that hard to make

one way of doing it would be this


Create a weapon that is based on one like the 10mm and port in a custom shooting animation with sounds (FUS RO DAH)


like the character going in a stance like on skyrim and the sound can be imported as a WAV

regen ammo can be enabled (unlimited ammo)

then add a firing delay e.g. can only be used every 5 seconds


then create an effect script for the projectile that would be like this


scn 00FusRoDahEffect


ref Push


begin ScriptEffectStart

set Push to GetSelf (gets the NPC thats being affected to be assigned to a custom reference)

Player.PushActorAway Push 50 (pushes the Reference actor, the one the script is effecting, to get push back with a havok force of 50)




this would work but the problem is you would need to be looking straight at the NPC for it to work. a solution for it might be to use an explosive as the base for the effect but I can't say how I would to that

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Doesn't the Mirelurk/Lakelurk use an effect that would be similar to the animation of FUS Ro DAH in Skyrim? I may be wrong, but in that case, ideally all you would have to do is create either a weapon with the effect, or attach the effect to a random holdable object. If you enhance and rename the script for the Mirelurk/Lakelurk's effect, you should be able to create you desired "spell." This might be an alternative to Coolblack11's idea, might being the key word, I am sure that script is better for what you are wanting.
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Naahh I wouldn't use the pushActorAway function. I'd make an explosion, use a appropriate force with low or no damage (depending on your preference). Use getCrosshairRef to place the explosion. That way you have something that actually generates force all around the impact area, instead of affecting one specific target. It'll look much more realistic and all kinds of objects/trash etc in the area will go flying.


Maybe use NVSE to create a hotkey, because equipping a weapon is contrary to the nature of the shout. Pick a idle animation (there's a ton of them, one will probably look like someone shouting) that fits and throw it, along with the lakelurk effect, a decent sound with playsound and that should work well.


Oh and a timer so you have to wait a bit to use it.

Edited by devinpatterson
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I see mod are possible for New Vegas but I am surprised no one made it for New Vegas yet.


Yeah, the more I think about it a low force 1pt damage explosion is probably the way to go. You need that 1pt damage for people to react to an attack. Let me know if your still want it and I can take a shot at putting it together for you....don't want to burn time if you'v lost interest.

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