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How does the game detect "A set of armor"?


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Hiya all,


I'm trying to find out how the game handles specific sets of armor, mainly the Shrouded Armor and the Nightingale Armor.


I Googled till my fingers bled and went through skyrim.esm dozens of times with CK, but I am unable to find what exactly procs the buff for a full set of these two armors. I did notice both armors have an entry in the Matching Set Perk, but this requires skill points spent in accompanied Perk Tree. Yet you get the buff for both of these armors regardless of Perks, which leads me to another question; Does the 'Full Set' bonus stack with the Perk bonus if you have it?


Any information would be highly appreciated, I'd like to incorporate the bonus effect from the game to any custom armor pack built off of these two armor sets in order for the game to trigger its effect. I want to incorporate it in my mod which adjusts perks to accommodate armor slots not used in the vanilla game, so players are free to choose any custom armor envisioned by fellow modders for a playthrough and not worry about the way the game applies its Perks/Bonuses/Effects.








(bad grammar edit)

Edited by SFC76
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I could be wrong but I think that will be the keywords found in the armor form itself. Like where you see ArmorLight, ArmorMaterialHide, etc. I believe it depends on the number of keywords appearing. I can't log into CK from here, but if you check the shrouded armor, it probably has a keyword unique to db armor.

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I did find keywords in all of the related armor pieces, 'ArmorDarkBrotherhood' and 'ArmorNightingale', but somehow I can't seem find these keywords anywhere else other than the Matching Set Perk. I also found the associated ability in the 'Spells' section, 'DBFullSet' and 'TGFullSet', but these do not use keywords as such for they are the keywords to proc the buff.

In 'Perks' there are two entries 'DBWellFitted' and 'TGWellFitted', but these have no conditions in their lists.


It doesn't make sense somehow, since Matching Set only applies to the Light Armor Perk Tree. Surely this can't be the global trigger for these sets, for even at level 1 with no skill points spent in any Perk Tree receives the 'Full Set' buff. Or am I missing something obvious?

Also it eludes me how the Perks associated with these sets don't have a condition listed.


Logically the game has to check and count the presence of this keyword somewhere, but how.


I could try adding the keywords to a custom armor of these sets and check if the keyword is present, and if not adding it to test the effect, but it kind of ruins my plan of modifying a global check so any custom Shrouded or Nightingale set will proc the buff. This would mean every single piece of custom armor for either set would need the keyword added if not present. This defeats the intention of what I would like to accomplish with my mod.

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Apparently the game does check for the keywords listed in the Matching Set (light) Perk for this buff to proc regardless of skill points used in any tree whatsoever, which is strange and misleading TBH.



So in order to make these enhanced stats proc, any custom armor aimed to proc this perk needs to include the keyword ('ArmorDarkBrotherhood' or 'ArmorNightingale') under "Armor" in CK for it to work.


Since a lot of custom armors are no longer maintained (especially in Skyrim LE), I will do my best to create patches for these fantastic armors to work with my Perk Fixes for Custom Armors mod (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/98668, yes a shameless plug :rolleyes: ) in order to implement these set-buffs into the awesome creations of other modders.


Among the armors in my own mod-list I intend to include:


- DeserterX's fantastic Merta Assassin Armor and Celes Nightingale Armor (individual and combined)

- gurtis1's Mini Armors Collection optional file for all armors from DX (because I love the UNPB TBBE conversions this mod realizes)

- zemaria's Adventurer Maiden Armor - Shadow Assassin


If any of the authors of the armors and/or related patches mentioned above would be against such a patch, let me know. If any modders would like me to make a patch for your armor, let me know and I'll do my best to make it compatible.



Happy modding everyone..

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I'm glad you got it worked out. I remembered doing something with perks before, not seeing any way to make them work and a certain item was worn. I ended up having to use a modified version of the silver sword script, apply that perk whenever the item was equipped, unapply it when the item came off. Unfortunately, that was for singular items (circlet of night eye, for example). I don't think it would work on the fly like that.

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