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Certain Items CTD


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You probably have a weapon mod attached to those weapons that is invalid (as from an unloaded mod such as WME or WMX). It's not as uncommon as you might think.

You can either load a save previous to applying mods to those items, or remove them from your inventory using the console:


Will give a listing (with FormIDs) of everything in your inventory. Find the FormIDs of the weapons you're having trouble with. You'll probably have to use the PageUp key to scroll through your stuff to find what you're looking for. Dropping extra items or putting them in a container (being careful not to highlight the affected weapons) may simplify the process.


Once you have the FormIDs, use the following (replacing 'XXXXXXXX' with the FormID of the item):

player.removeitem XXXXXXXX 1 1

Do that for each of the items that cause crashes.


My advice is to *never* add or remove mods from an existing play-through, and start a new game each time you alter your setup.

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