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Hey question..


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Ok well, I have oblivion on the xbox, but I really want to get it on the pc to use mods and stuff :). But frankly, I don't want to spend another like $50 on it, does anyone have a torrent for it with like a tutorial on how to install it? Because I've seen torrents for it, but you had to mount it with magicso v5.5 and all these other complicated things, and I just wanted to know if anyone had a torrent for it with a tutorial on how to install it :).


Btw- If this isn't aloud or in the wrong place, sorry :). As you can tell I'm new.

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This is definitely the wrong place for this. This is not a site that supports piracy in any way shape or form. Buy the game and support the maker if you want to use mods. Also, pirated versions have been known to have major problems with some mods.


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bben46, Moderator

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