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Insta shutdown on start menu / load-up


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I've been playing around with SKK's Fallout 4-76 mod recently. However, after editing the mod slightly (by adding Synthetic Zombies from the mod of the same name to his Synth spawn LL's), my game shuts itself down immediately on either the start menu or when clicking to load a new save. However, I am not sure if the issue has directly to do with me meddling around with one of the two mods, or might be caused otherwise.

I would be thankful to anyone who might've had a similiar problem in the past if they'd be willing to help me out on this or nudge me into the right direction. Cheers!

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@SKK50: Yes, in retrospect that seems the better way. I was honestly just afraid of messing around in FO4Edit due to lack of experience with that program, and figured since I fondle around a lot with LL's for my own mods a few smaller changes wouldn't cause such a ruckus. Guess I figured wrong :thumbsup:



@1ae0bfb8: ...okay, you got me there.

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