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Music mods


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After playing Oblivion for over a hundred hours, I start to get a bit dreary with the music on Oblivion. It's always the same; so now I'm looking for change. :biggrin:


I was thinking about getting this one

but I can't find any samples on that.


Also, where can I find the mod for music from Final Fantasy 7? I heard the music playing on oblivion but I can't find it anywhere.



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Grab a music CD of your choice. Make an mp3 copy.

If you have sound editing software you can make a short clip and adjust the volume.

Put the mp3's in your Oblivion Data/ Music / then either or all of these folders

Explore, Public, Battle or Dungeon. Whichever mood the music suits.

You may have to experiment with the order to get your music to play more or less


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