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first person glitch


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Sorry for the long post folks but I could use some expert advice and figured some background would help...


Some years ago, I played Skyrim to its conclusion. I enjoyed it a lot...in my memory it might be the best game I ever played. I liked it so much I went on to play the Falskaar DLC and Enderal.

I have a Win7x64 machine with 3Gb video memory on a Radeon R9 200, 8GB ram and an i7 870. I played Skyrim with about 20 mods and with the help of Loot never had a conflict or a problem


I kept Skyrim on my hard drive along with my savedgames out of laziness, I suppose but as many know Enderal modified all that.


Recently I decided to get rid of Enderal, reinstall Skyrim and get back into Skyrim with Helgen Reborn.


Since then I have had some problems that I cannot seem to resolve:


I can usually play about 15 minutes or so and then suddenly, for no apparent reason, I will be thrown out of first person perspective such that my POV is about 10-15 feet above and behind my character. Hitting the "F" key does not bring me back to 1st Per. Nothing I can do will bring me back to first person. Nor can i play in third person as the movements of my character does not seem one-to-one.


The only thing I can do is "exit" but even that glitches such that I cannot select "Main Menu" or "Desktop" with my cursor. The whole exit menu shifts upward. I can use the movement keys to get to "desktop" and then hit enter, and that will take me out. At which point, I can reload the game and play for a while before this problem reoccurs in a different place and scene. So i can make progress.It's frustrating to be in the midst of a battle and suddenly be thrown out of 1st. Per.


I have refrained from saving a game at the point where the problem occusrs but I do use quicksave a lot...as you might expect.


When I reinstalled Skyrim, several weeks ago, I had the same hardware and the same mods as I had when I originally played it. I reinstalled (or woke up) Loot and NMM.


Loot warned me that I had 97 dirty edits, etc. in Update.esm. Loot pointed me at TES5Edit Auto-Clean and I used it. I didn't understand either how to use it or the information it provided. Some "scripts' (?), "cells" (?) in the left pane were highlighted in yellow or green and frankly I didn't know what that meant either. But at the top of the left-hand pane i got this message:


"A filter has been applied. The treeview contents is fossilized and will not adjust structure to changes. Please remove or re-apply the filter if necessary."


But when I got done, Loot displayed a "waterdrop" icon next to Update. esm and that said the plugin has been clean and certified.


Subsequently, I have tried cleaning other mods even though Loot hadn't reported any problem with them. Sometimes I get pretty much the same results...including the message and the water drop icon...and sometimes, nothing.


I don't know how to fix this problem in the game and am not even sure it can be fixed, but I feel out of my depth with TES5Edit and wondered if it was telling me that the mods can be fixed and where and how.


Any suggestions / advice on how to fix this problem would be appreciated even if it doesn't involve TES5Edit. The only thing I am not prepared to do is wipe it all clean and start over. I have played the game to conclusion and don't want to do that again --for no real reason other than I am at level 55 and don't want to lose that (the armour, weapons and skills) and have "been there, done that and bought the T-shirt."



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I am afraid that starting all over again is probably your only recourse.


The only files that should be cleaned are your esm files. These are Update.esm, Dragonborn.esm, Hearthfire.esm, and Dawnguard.esm, you should leave all other files alone. LOOT indiscriminately notifies you of any ITM or UDR in a file, however it does not know whether those ITM files are necessary for that file to function properly, as they are in some mods. You should only ever clean UDR's in a mod, unless the mod author say's otherwise.


I stopped updating LOOT when he made that auto-clean function the only way to clean your files and I would advise against using it. Lately there has been a, IMO, a bit of hysteria about cleaning files, especially when you consider that those "dirty edits" have been in those DLCs for the past nine or ten years and people have had no problem playing with mods. My average mod load is about 110 mods and I only ever clean the UDRs in my Update and DLC files.


I watched Gophers video on cleaning files some years ago and he stated that cleaning the ITMs was not necessary and the only reason he did so was to free up space. If it is necessary for a mod to be cleaned, or if it can be done without harm to the function of that mod the mod author will tell you on the mod page, otherwise leave the mod alone.

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-> @wfandrews


Well thank you for your time and your generosity answering my question. Wish there were more like you on these forums.




I am afraid that starting all over again is probably your only recourse.



I was afraid of that. It's sad and frustrating. I wish I had never played Enderal although I enjoyed it. I am pretty sure that's what glitched my game. Just that I would enjoy visiting Skyrim occasionally and playing new quests, etc.. I like the Helgen Reborn quest pretty well and I enjoyed Falskaar too.


Bethesda or Steam or even nexusmods ought to make a utility that references the original gamefiles to clean and restore them to an non-glitched condition while at the same time allowing you to restore your progress and savegames. . I suspect it would "fly out the door." Probably someone will tell me that it's not possible but, given what has been done in the way of mods, additional quests, dlcs, etc., I feel certain it could be done.


Oh well, maybe TES VI?

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You are probably correct about Enderal. I have never played it but I know many people have and enjoyed it very much. They also, like you, have had a problem uninstalling it.


I would google something like "make Skyrim vanilla again" and you should get some links to guides on how to create a vanilla Skyrim. From what I understand this is the best recourse for those who would uninstall Enderal.

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I've done that but not very intensely. It seems pretty straight-forward and do-able for someone of my limited expertise. But if i understand correctly, I would lose all my skills, perks armour, etc., as well as lose all my progress and have to abandon my save games.


As counter-intuitive or counterproductive as it may seem, I would rather not.


I was immersed and obsessed with the game first playthrough. In retrospect, it was pretty intense--a good thing in many ways. But, I guess bottom line is I feel like I earned level 55 and don't really want to rehash it.

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