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Attack lag neep help


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I have an small problem with my Skyrim. After click the left attack/right attack buttons their is about a .6 sec. lag before my character actually attacks.

The attack animation is fine, but it takes to long to respond to me hitting the button. It would be like if you tripped off a cliff, broke your leg, took a few steps, and then realized your leg is broken. Or if you had to tell Mike Tyson when to punch in a fight. (OASN:Mike Tyson Redguard or Orc?)


Bows are off by .3 or so (not a big loss) (guessing on time)

One handed swords are off by .4 or so

Can't button mash out a "combo"


Already tried "player. forceav weaponspeedmult ##" only speeds up attack animation not response time.

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