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How to make it so that the Vault 111 Sealed door is open by default?

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Hey folks,


long title, simple objective- well, sort of...


I want the sealed vault door to be open by default, so that i don´t need to use the pipboy at all- but i didn´t find a way to do that.

The whole opening scene already should have happened, when the player arrives the door...any ideas?

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The opening animation will only play when the object has 3D loaded in the active uGrids of the player which means the player is in vault 111. Else you get the error log Animation cant play as object is not loaded if you try to force it. I dont know if the door NIF can be static replaced in the open condition.


You could add a script that fires when the player wakes up in the cryopod pVault111GearDoorREF.PlayAnimation("stage2") or just console [ 000330c3.SendAnimEvent "Stage2" ]

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Copy DefaultEmptyTrigger to yournameTrigger, add a new script to it and assign the property.

ObjectReference Property pVault111GearDoorREF Auto Const Mandatory

Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef)
 If (akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer()) && (pVault111GearDoorREF.Is3dLoaded() == TRUE)

In post war vault 111 drop yournameTrigger and size to somewhere that is in the same loaded area as the vault gear door. The cryopod are should work, if not move it closer to the door.

Edited by SKK50
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Just be aware that doing this may disrupt the main quest which may register and wait for an animation event it will never see.


If that happens and you don't want to hack the main quest around you will need some complex wrapper scripts.

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