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Wife Bug After Console Divorce


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Basically I got tired of Ysolda and decided to get rid using the console command method (removefac etc etc)


I made sure I did this right and sure enough it worked and she walked off. Now I have remarried Aela, her "Something has shifted in the moons brother" annoyed me and now I have gone back to Ysolda so I just have the 100 a day back.


Now however she is my wife again, but she never opens a store, and she is constantly walking through the door (i.e. if you wait an hour she will walk through the door every time). Everything else works, including the meal, but not the store or money benefit.


Any idea how to fix?



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I have had this problem before, but I don't know what is causing it. I believe it might be the fact that you aren't supposed to be able to divorce your wife, and doing so may cause a problem with the game. (I divorced my wife using the console as well.)
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