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Ohh.. yeah I will try that! thanks for the tip :D


EDIT: Nope. Doesn't work. VB still takes off after being .Enabled(). It seems it's no longer sitting in the perch after being disabled/enabled , thereby advancing the scene phase. Strange enough, one of the phase ending conditions is IsPlayerRiding == 1.0, so that can't be what's happening either.

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What works is, in console: <VB>.recycleactor and then <VB>.moveto <perch>


Unfortunately, there's no recycleactor in papyrus. And MoveTo() w/o the recycleactor will move the VB but it won't sit in the perch.


EDIT: Re Idles, no idea how to do it. Tried playing some of the havok anims (LandIdle.hkt seemed especially promising), but that doesn't work at all, because PlayAnimation doesn't work on Actors. Or it might be something completely different to what I need, who knows.


Debug.SendAnimationEvent doesn't seem to exist in FO4 and looking at "Idle Animations" window (after some googling I found a post that says to add the hkt files there), it might as well be Klingon. I have not the slightest idea what to do there and nothing I see makes any sense. None of the vertibird related stuff in the giant tree view seems to have an animation file. The event names listed there do not seem to correspond to any animations on the actor either.


EDIT2: Ok, so the ID is the idle name. Trying PlayIdle(VertibirdInitializeGraphToBaseStatePerchPrydwen) now.


EDIT3: Using VertibirdInitializeGraphToBaseStateGroundDUPLICATE000, the Bird unfolds it's wings after perching. So that part works. But it doesn't help, still un-activate-able.

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Problem solved by activation proxy :smile:


Since script activation works, I put an invisible door infront of the bird and enable it on docking. A small script attached to the door activates the bird with the player ref so the player boards, and disables the door.


Le voilà, VertiCall on the Prydwen itself! So you can finally, like, take a vertibird from the vertibird carrier airship thingie. Such immersion!

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