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Original Ideas?


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Hey, guys. I was just wondering if anyone out there likes to mod, just for the sake of adding stuff to the game. I am wondering if there's anyone out there who has put up mods that have very little, to nothing, to do with skyrim lore. I like brainstorming ideas, but a lot of them can't really be implemented into Skyrim lore. Lot's of my ideas would require making new worlds, new quests, new characters, new everything. Does anyone else come up with ideas like this, or is this totally out of the norm? LOL. I'd love to make a 'game' in skyrim. not so much a 'mod'. Thanks for any replies. And, I'm not asking for help with my mod. I'm just getting a feel for who on here likes to just mod whatever comes to mind.
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There are a lot of people who build stuff that is not lore-friendly at all. They just want to use the Skyrim game engine for their own purposes. Like you might see a mod with muskets, a Star Wars mod, or a mod with modern clothing.


So you should go ahead and build whatever makes you happy, and I am sure you will get plenty of downloads even if it is not lore-friendly.

Edited by David Brasher
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I currently have a Police Box parked outside Riverwood. Making Gallifreyan time travel technology lore-friendly is something I am currently working on. I use the Magika Sabers mod too, but I only craft the sabers that look like something from the game, not the Star Wars films.
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I wouldn't worry too much about attempting to "force" your mod to be lore friendly. If it is not strict Elder Scrolls canon then the lore fiends will still not accept it and give you a hard time for trying to justify it as being lore friendly. A lot of people don't really care if it is lore friendly or not as long as they enjoy it. While I don't use mods that are insanely out of place like cars and My Little Pony dragons I'm not so rigid that I won't use one as long as it somewhat fits into my idea of Skyrim. After all, the lore is only a vehicle created by Bethesda to provide some type of background and consistency to Tamriel and is subject to be rewritten if they feel the need to do so for their own purposes.


So if it's not ridiculously out of place in Skyrim I for one would give it a shot if it is something that interests me.

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