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Combat Mods - Help?


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So I'm looking to add some of the most popular combat overhauls together to create an enhanced, more realistic and more challenging, strategic combat experience.


I would like to use the following hoping that the end result is that it will overhaul all aspects of combat (melee/archery mainly) whilst still providing good balance and minimal conflicts.


DUEL – Combat Realism http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/2700

ACE – Combat Skills http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10037

ASIS http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18436


Supported by the more minor mods >


Fight or Fly http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15223

Dual Wield Parrying http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9247

Locational Damage http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12615



My question is; is it possible to use all of these in collaboration with each other without conflicts? If not, then which aspects of each mod should I use so that they will merge well with each other?


Thanks in advance

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Aren't they supposed to work together? The ACE author mentioned that he uses most of these mods in combination with his own without problems.

On the other hand, I prefer a single esp over dozens. Maybe SkyRealism could do a battle realism mod?

Edited by Bismarck
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I use ACE, Duel, and ASIS, along with Dual Wield Parrying and a TK Dodge mod. This amkes combat far better. They all work together just load them in this order:



ACE Modules (like 6 or 7 of them)




Make sure you load ASIS after ANY mod that alters combat behaviour, perks, potions, anything that ASIS would try to load. Also don't forget to pick up the animations mod for the Dual Wield Parry mod.


Also, I tried those mods with Locational Damage and it felt like I was just constantly getting hit in the neck and bleeding out. Could be that I was just starting and a nice solid hit will do a lot of damage with that mod. Either way, I just felt it made me turn my difficulty down to compensate for the increased damage.


The three main mods you name doff will give you a lot of fun in combat. And should be fine, if you still feel unchallenged then try the locatinal damage. but I would suggest giving it a go without it first, as you will be surprised how much more difficult combat will be.


Might I also recommend:


Occupy Skyrim


Those two mods add more random events to the world. Also Skyrim Monster Mod, along with Realistic Wildlife. This will improve the AI and give more of a challenge to animal fights.



Also, Crimson Tide will make your battles look glorious. The streets will run crimson with the blood of your enemies.

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