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Adding an item to a vendor list


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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok, one question though. At any point do I need to indent a line, and by how much?


Naw it's just formatting to make it more easily understood by us, the compiler doesn't care if you indent it a space, a tab or none at all.


*Dusts off topic*


So, yeah, I'm still having trouble adding Exeter's neckchains, via scripting, to vendor containers.


Come on, guys, help a little n00b out! :sad:


Throw it up on a hosting service like mediafire or something and I'll take a look at it. Or if you can't/dont' want to do that PM and you can email it to me.

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Is this still your script?

Scn NeckChainsScriptScr

Begin gameMode
AddItemToLeveledList VendorMiscItems 01XFechain 1 1 100;
stopquest NeckChainsScript


It doesn't like using formIDs that begin with numeric characters in scripts. Change the item name to start with a letter.

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Ok I looked over your esp. You didn't make a quest script (probably because your first attempts didn't compile), I think you just confused the quest name and quest id (which you have listed as NeckChainScript) with teh script. When you'v completed the script, add it to the drop down menu I'v circled in red.




I'v uploaded a edited esp. I made a sample script, NeckChainScript and attached it to your Quest for you. Also changed your quest name (Neck Chain Quest) and quest ID (NeckChainQuest);




scn NeckChainScript

Begin gameMode
AddItemToLeveledList VendorMiscItems ChainCopper 1 1 100;
AddItemToLeveledList VendorMiscItems ChainGold 1 1 100;
AddItemToLeveledList VendorMiscItems ChainPearls 1 1 100;
AddItemToLeveledList VendorMiscItems ChainSilver 1 1 100;
AddItemToLeveledList VendorMiscItems ChainTags 1 1 100;
AddItemToLeveledList VendorMiscItems ChainIron 1 1 100;

stopquest NeckChainQuest

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Unfortunately, though, I booted up a new game with your sample esp and looked in several vendors for any sign of the neckchains. Found nothing. Was there something else I needed to do?


The vendor lists refresh twice(?) a week Sun and Wen, I believe


Oh, so the vendor inventory is the same at the beginning of every game you start?


Huh, didn't know that. I'll try again a bit later.


(I was doing some intensive waiting, though....)

Edited by SovietSailor
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