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Flickering mana costs


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I have a rather strange problem. It seems that whenever i favorite or unfavorite a spell, it's mana cost seems to change. Even the other spell costs in the list seem to change.

For instance: if i favorite my fireball spell it will change its mana cost to be higher or lower together with all of the other destruction spells. When i unfavorite, the same thing happens. In other words the mana costs fluctuate whenever i refavourite a spell.


Im guessing it prolly has something to with my mods, but i dont know where to start looking for the problem. So if anyone can help me with this problem i'd appreciate it a lot!


some mods im using which i think might cause this are:

- midas magic

- apocalypse spell pack

- categorized favorites

- ACE Athyra's Comprehensive Enhancements

- skyUI

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  • 5 months later...

I've just run into the same problem. I'm pretty certain it's not being caused by Apocalypse, ACE, or SkyUI, but as I've never really played a magic-user before now, I wouldn't bet any money on it.


EDIT: In ACE's thread, it's noted that the armor module causes this flickering; it's how the mod implements its "random chance for spell to fail", so deactivating just that module should fix the problem.

Edited by StormWalker183
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