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Improved Buff Bar


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hello guys,

as former wow-player I'm always surprised by the lack of information avaiable in the standard-ui as long as you not open the effects-page of your pip-boy.

in a queen-fight i have up to 20 food-buffs, different chem-buffs and depending on the summoned trash sometimes multiple debuffs but all i get in the UI is 1 icon for all food-buffs, 1 icon for all mutations, 1 icon for all drink-buffs, 1 icon for all chems (if using antibiotics, which lasts 1h it's completely useless for the short-term chem-buffs). well rested and tuned don't even have an icon as well as most debuffs (bleeding wounds / poison etc)

so my request: can someone build a buffbar where all the information (buff-icon / effect / duration) is avaiable in 1 single bar, that extend as far as you need to display all buffs and debuffs?

bonus: cutomizable
bonus2: weak-aura-style tool (wow-players know what I mean :D)

edit: not to forget:
adremaline, bolstering, nerd-rage, raging, unyieling etc ...

Edited by mephisto3381
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