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just need some help with something


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I made the dark seducer armor playable. i use the robert v4 seamless male body replacer and i use the clothing and armor mesh replacer for the muscular version. my problem is for my dark elf character it uses vanilla textures for the exposed skin and i end up with a light blue/grey face and a dark blue body. i have no idea how to fix this myself or if there is a fix somewhere on the site. please help
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if you use the search function in the files section of nexus,you'll find many playable mods for the dark seducer armor already.


yeah i know that much. that's how i got the mods i use. i think i wasn't clear. i use a mod that makes the dark seducer armor playable. my problem is with the texture the armor uses for the body skin color. I tried putting it on a mannequin and it even looked messed up on the mannequin. i also use the robert male version of the mannequins. it has to do with the file paths of the vanilla armor. i remember reading something similar on another mod that was using vanilla hand textures cause the gloves weren't designed for robert's body mod. my main problem is i can only find the mesh replacer to fit robert's male body and nothing to do with the textures. it may just be that not enough people use male characters with the dark seducer armor and it is being overlooked. i was just hoping someone knew something i didn't

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