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Troubles compressing textures with BC7


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I've been attempting to add UUNP special textures to 'tempered skins' (female version): https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/8505?tab=posts


but due to the fact that the author saved it in BC7 format (except for specular textures which are apparently in BC4), I've been having trouble properly compressing the textures to work properly. I'm already using photoshop w/ intel texture works, however after multiple attempts the skin textures are not appearing as they should in game (first I was met with all black skin on female NPC's, then after trying a new compression format the skin no longer appears black but does not reflect light properly + noticeable hand seams). I haven't had any issues with DXT in the past thanks to programs such as DXTviewer/ WTV which allow you to check the properties of an image prior to re-saving. I'm wondering if any such tool might also exist for BC formats? Otherwise, does anyone know of a standard way to ensure the files retain their correct properties when compressing? What settings are recommended for normal, diffuse, and specular maps?

The attatched image is an example of what I'm working with here


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