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Marriage/ Romance/ Affection Expansion Mod Request

Guest deleted5374576

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Guest deleted5374576

Marriage in Skyrim might as well be a business arrangement - it lacks any kind of emotional involvement. As a woman I would like to be able to have my character kiss/ hug/ tickle/ dance/ snuggle/ tell jokes with my male spouse. Sex could be an add-on if you must, but I would rather be without that.


I have heard a number of other players mention a desire for improved displays of affection mod. There are a ton of female spouse mods, but almost NOTHING for male spouses. Women would like to have some fun with our characters in-game spouses, too (as would gay players). Can someone please hook us up? Please???

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Atvir will eventually include a romantic subplot, structured similarly to the kind of romances you'll find in Baldur's Gate II, or many Bioware titles. It will still be a while though... even a small quest takes weeks to put together.


Also (because so many ladies, and a couple of men, have requested it) I'm currently in talks to bring in a new 3D artist to design a custom skin for him. Vanilla Dunmer are invariably ugly, but I intend to have that problem corrected ASAP.


Uh, and there will be sex. Not on-screen (at least not without mods like Animated Prostitution), but the romantic subplot will definitely include references to various bedroom activities.

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