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Atronachs, torches and lighting


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Hi, new modder here!


I would very much like to add a torch glow effect to the flame atronach, but I have no idea where to start. so here are my questions:


1. The editior IDs, which is the atronach that is summoned and which is the one that exists 'naturally'?

2. Do I need to add this effect to all of the flame atronachs that the CK lists?

3. What is the editor ID for the torch glow effect?

4. Is this even possible?


I have played around with the editor some, mostly i added a couple of new helmets and changed some NPCs; Ive been trying to do this for a day now and I have not made any progress.


While I'm at it, I use the hotkey torch mod. When equipping a torch it make a clicking sound, I would like to change the sound effect to something fire related. Does anybody have any tips on how to do this?


thanks for any assistance!

Edited by vipermkii
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