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Bows (specifically) are completely inaccurate


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I am having a similar issue - even after I installed "Archery Gameplay Overhaul":


when I am in 'first person' view and the weapon readied, the arrow points towards the target/crosshairs, BUT when I 'draw' the bow [LMB/M1], the display/bow is now pointed slightly up and about 90 degrees to the left! Worse, the path of the arrow is from the point of about where the front of the bow would be if held to the left like that - which means it is likely to deflect off of any objects/scenery to your left AND it strikes about 2' or more to the left of your Aim (variable depending on range to target)! Incredibly annoying and completely immersion breaking...


in 3rd person, half the time you can't SEE the target (Due to your character) and if you shift the crosshairs enough to see, you are often going to end up hitting scenery between the character and the target due to paralax (I am guessing).


Please, anyone have any idea on how I can fix this? Is this some weird FNIS bug?

id you ever figure this problem out? I'm having the same issue. I had to reload the game on a new system and some of my old mods were not working anymore. One of the new mods must be causing this... Using Scoped bows with bug fix, just downloaded Archery Overhaul and now the bow is at least facing forward before drawing it. Still shooting 90* though...

Yes. As to what I did...Not quite sure any more but for the overall problem, I think it was something like updating SKYUI, or possibly XPMSSE.


It still happens on occasion. this "dynamic" one though, I know for certain. It can happen if you are in first person and jump and (for whatever reason) go into that momentary hover/float mode and either try to use or sheath or equip the bow while in this state. When this happens, I now wait until my feet are firmly on the ground. unequip the bow (sometimes requires swapping weapons to get it to release), then jump a few times. after that, it seems to work properly.

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