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skyrim data "bleeding out" on save/reload ?


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did anyone else notice that recently (I think since dawnguard came on the table), there seems to be data bleeding out between current games & the save/reload system

I'm not sure, maybe it's just my setup which is buggy or whatever but I don't remember having something like this before dawnguard.


For example :

-wait for 24H~72H (to be sure that a merchant has got all his money)

-go in the cell where the merchant is located

-quicksave but stay in your current game (autosave should also work the same)

-go to the merchant & sell him stuff to empty his gold or whatever (just take note of the amount of gold they have)

-while you are here you may also buy all his soul gems for example

-quickload or load autosave


-if you see the same thing that I see, the merchant should not have any soul gem in inventory and his gold amount will be empty (or just the amount you took note of before)


so, it seems to me like an issue with the engine but maybe I need to reinstall or something, It's not like I really ask for support I would just like to know if I'm alone on this or not.

thanks for reading.

Edited by whismerhill
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