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Request: Useful Bard's System (Bard's Perk Tree/Equipments/Spe


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Hello... I'd a simple idea that I'm not able to turn into reality 'cause I really don't know ANYTHING about creating and editing mods.


At first, I've a fascination for music and I'm sure that I'm not the only one even about orchestrated and original soundtracks to original famous artists songs... when I first discovered that in the game there was a Bard's Guild I remembered few RPG's I did play since I was a child like Final Fantasy (The old ones from 1 to 6) and either thinking about this "mechanical" of Voice/Thu'um/Shouts we really could have a kind of Bard fighting mode... using flutes, harps, lyres, lutes, zither, drum... and other different musical instruments as weapon and also having a perk tree for bards.


I don't know what you all think about this but I think with a little bit of creativity we could make large and significant differences on the game expanding the variety of gameplay and game resources. I can't give images of items nor screenshots for these ideas but I think I'd well explained here.


I hope someone see and gimme an opinion about this at least constructive.


Thank you all.

Edited by Ameu
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