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Fishing site attack in Hungary


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I have ran into a malicious ad, that once played automatically took my browser to a different site stating that my IP have been picked as a winner in a game that my internet provider is hosting. I've encountered it around 14:45-15:00 UTC +1/8:45-9:00 EDT on "https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/141" the second time. First time I routinely closed the tab.


This has been a country wide problem in Hungary and started in the weekend and affected several bigger internet providers like Telekom, Digi, UPC and others. I personally use UPC. Several sites had banned the ads since then and even news sites reported on it too.

NON-ENGLISH NEWS SOURCE - https://index.hu/tech/helpdeszka/2019/07/29/egesz_palyas_letamadas_a_magyar_neten/

(if scrolled down, the above site has a gallery section on some examples the bad ad can produce)


Some of the ad destinations:








They would later point to a site like this:



Unfortunately I couldn't take a screencap of the ad, because it seems to be scripted to immediately take to one of it's destinations. If I can hunt it down I'll update the thread with a screencap of it.


Thank you in forward for the help!

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