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add a tweak to combat AI that puts an aim time delay before a hostile's first ranged shot


with a chance, based on the npc's level or skill, to have to reacquire their target (i.e. have a small delay again before firing) whenever the player moves - particularly when moving more than ducking for cover and popping out at the same spot. That might require calculating if target has moved more than a certain distance, then, if so, run chance equation to have aim delay applied again.


The time delay would be in milliseconds and be based on common sense things - the same things that affect a player's aim time - distance, scope, size / weight of the weapon.


No npc should run around a corner WHILE firing a missile launcher. Its not just UN-IMMERSIVE, its stupid.


My chance of being shot the instant I break cover, should approach zero, with enough distance. After half a second less so. After a full second ... you get the idea.



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