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"Chill the f*** out"- The fix for when you're just sick of


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It seems everyone's first reaction to absolutely anything is to start throwing fire, arrows, or axes at anyone that offends them in the slightest no matter the situation.


Can someone create a "Chill the f*** out" power? Something I can just click in my favorites menu, press C (Or Z for the default I suppose), and tell everyone to cool their blood thirsty heads?


Not a calm effect, I want an instantaneous power (Cool effects are totally okay) that resets everyone's disposition towards you so they don't immediately want to rape you with a greatsword because you accidentally stole something when you tried to pick something else up, despite dropping it soon thereafter. Or accidentally killed a chicken while trying to save their asses from a dragon... or someone stuck their fat arse in front of you're fireball at the last second while trying to fry a rampaging monster...


Can someone make this? I haven't seen anything like it in my perpetual quest to satiate my desire to mod, mod, mod the hellz out of my game.


Really, it is irritating to see everyone blow their top over anything. It's like... how America punishes everything by making people rot in jail. Skyrim just stabs the person.

Edited by Cipherthe3vil
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