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[LE] Skin wrap help :(

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(Sorry, for the translator) :sweat:



Hello again, excuse me, I finally got a way to solve my problem as soon as I fit some armor of different t pose from another game to the original skyrim pose and then its subsequent adjustments and manipulations, in the following image you can check it In the following link (I apologize for it, but I am going to have to show you several images in this topic and since I have a limit, I hope that it is not a mistake for you . . .)




Well, the case is that, I managed to make the armor work, as I could do a long time ago and today, I have realized, that my problem may be when making the skin wrap in 3ds max, on this new armor.








In these images, you can see, as I have completely separated arms and armor, but with a skin already configured of different pieces, I have tried to export it in two different ways: with separate arms, and with the two pieces joined. The annoyance appears when I try it in play, normally, the torso of the armor gets it to work properly when it comes to experiencing the animations, such as running, jumping, etc. except when both pieces are joined, using attach, at correctly this command, the arms are correctly attached to the body but, I have verified that by doing so, both arms like the sides of the body under the arms, they stretch in an exaggerated way :sick: .


So I decided to try separating the arms from the body and exporting it as you see in the previous images, with different envelopes configured, as a result, the body surprisingly works as it should, but this time :wallbash: , apart from the arms being stretched in an exaggerated way, they are something separated from the body, then I leave the following links so you can check this final result within the game.










The fact is that I do not know if it is possible to replace the bones or something else, and tried to do several things also like simply copying the bones of the arms from niftskope to the armor already united, but I'm still without results, I would like to know how I can get my arms to work more or less correctly.



Anyway, and this is it, I hope that this time you can help me, I would like someone to advise me about it, some guide, whatever, if it is too much to ask, I would also like someone with experience interested in the archives of this armor, I will be happy to send them without any problem, I would be delighted if someone could to help with some armor although, but, well, you know, what is best for those who know this Chinese proverb: “Give a fish to a man and he will eat today, give him a rod and teach him to fish, and he will eat the rest of his life”

And with that I conclude, I hope you answer, thank you very much :thumbsup:
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There are a lot of TUTORIALS in this Forum just at the top, here is the Link :

An other Link on wiki :

A video Tutorial about Skin Wrap in 3ds :

The solution for your issue is somewhere in there.
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This is quite simple to solve:

- import the skyrim body and the skeleton in the standard skyrim-t-pose

- select all skeleton bones and keyframe them to a frame of your choice for example 10

- go to frame 0 and pose the skeleton to fit the armor you want to port. (Frame 0 is important because thats the frame the skin wrap will use by default to calculate its stuff)

- Keyframe the bones in frame 0 now

- The body should now also be positioned the way you want it

- select your armor and use a skin_wrap modifier and select the skyrim body as target. set the falloff (i find face mode and values between 0,001 and 0,01 work best in most cases), check "weight all points" then convert to skin

- you can now force the geometry into place by several methods :

1. export and reimport the mesh in nif format

2. go to frame 10(your skyrim -t-pose) create a copy of the armor and collapse it down to a editable poly then reapply skin_wrap and target the skinned armor you just copied. (fallof 0,001 in this case)

3. any other method of your choice ( there are many)


there should be no reason to split the armor in many different parts

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  • 1 month later...

Hi :happy:


Excuse me, I've been on vacation, but in them, I've been able to get the armor to work properly!
Simply what I did was to separate the arms from the armor, then import a skyrim body, rotate the bones until more or less fit with the T pose that lifts the arms and once fitted, skin wrap, and then import some armor or skeleton containing the default t pose of the skyrim game so that those arms automatically take the posture, and then it was a matter of incorporating the armor, sewing the arms, adjusting them and trying their luck.
This is the final result, thank you very much everyone for helping me :tongue: :
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