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Time to ask the scripting gurus...


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Here's what I want to do: Use SKSE to detect the enchantment on any weapon or armor enchanted by the player.


I figured the best way to do this would be to


1) Create a script attached to the player using Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer)

2) Cast the OjbectReference akItemReference into either a Weapon or Armor script, e.g. Weapon akItemWeapon = akItemReference as Weapon

3) Use Enchantment akItemEnchantment = akItemWeapon.GetEnchantment() to retrieve the enchantment.


There's only one tiny problem: akItemReference is ALWAYS "None" and the akBaseItem doesn't have any enchantments listed if it's a player-created enchanted item (it's just the base item that the enchantment was applied to).


So, I tried an alternative:


1) Get the Player Reference, and retrieve his inventory via the SKSE function GetNumItems(). e.g int ItemCount = Game.GetPlayer().GetNumItems()

2) Use the SKSE function GetNthForm(int index) to retrieve the forms for every item in his inventory.


This didn't work either: GetNumItems only detects the number of items by base FormID, and forms retrieved via GetNthForm are the base FormIDs for the objects (not the enchanted items).


Thus, I turn to you with these...




1) Why are akItemReferences passed into OnItemAdded always "None", even when the item is a player-created item?

2) How can I obtain or create ObjectReferences that point to the player's inventory items dynamically within a script?

3) How can I obtain the Enchantment (the SKSE Script) on a player-enchanted items?

Edited by IndigoNeko
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